Daycare Program
16 Dogs 3 weeks, 8,000 square feet of Doggie heaven! The most immersive training program is meant to do all your heavy lifting for you and your dog!
Daycare Training Program
About The Program
The Day Care Training Program allows you to drop off your dog in the morning and pick him/her up after training in the afternoon Tuesday thru Friday for three weeks. Your dog will be trained two to four times a day on the course outline. Each training session will last from 15 to 30 minutes. Drop off for the program is between 9-10am, pick up is 3-6pm. Incorporated in the Daycare Training Program are four Group Classes. The group classes are designed to proof your training around distractions. Classes are held in real life situations and will help you to put the final touches on all of your training commands. At the end of the Private Lesson Program and Group Classes there will be a final exam. The owner and dog team are required to pass this TEST in order to graduate school.
Day Care Training Program Includes:
3 weeks In-School training
3 Private Lessons
4 Group Classes
1 Test
Behavioral Consultation
Basic Obedience 101 Includes:
Walking on Lead without pulling
Sit on the first command
Sit / Stay for one minute
Come on the first command
Down on the first command
Down / Stay 5 minutes
​Understanding the 'No' command
Basic Obedience 201 Includes:
All lessons in Basic Obedience 101
Heeling [Walking on your left side]
Sit / Stay for 3 minutes 20 feet away
Down / Stay 10 Minutes 20 feet away
Come From a Distance
Out-Of-Sight Stays
Canine Socialization